After 2,296 resumes sent, 317 interviews, ten jobs later, cumulatively, and none the richer- here I am.
The state of the world is bleak. We're on the brink of nuclear war (like every great generation shitting their pants) led by that ugly, orange thing that grows in mulch sometimes. On the brighter side, we do have Game of Thrones, Netflix, and the twins Carter.
I am happy. I'm getting married in exactly one month today to an insane man who has no clue what he is in for, yet we've made each other swoon for the last 12 years. It should be all good, right? Not a care in the world...

Imagine not even being able to openly say "no" to negativity. To hope that someone else is as tired as you. Well, to that man, and to the man who decided to go to the extent of commenting AT me just to call me "vapid" for liking his article, I say I'm fucking tired, too, bruv. Really damn tired.
I heard from our HR lady how she's sick of the gays "living their best lives and using that as an excuse to throw parades." I've seen a man have to completely retract an admitted transgression and how he's changed in the last 25 years so he would not be harassed for said 25-year-old transgression. I certainly got harassed for thanking him for being brave and helping others. I overheard a woman complaining about inevitably having to pay for her coworker's unborn baby in taxes. And I have just one question...
Do not get me wrong, I am not above having a good vent session or gossiping like every other red-blooded American girl, but do it with your tribe. Have some basic tolerance and at the very least, have some decency in public. Don't get heated and mad and throw the book of avacado ownership at someone for living their best life, either. You are insulting and hurtful and even with that said someone will say "quite being so sensitive, snowflake."
(Side note: Currently, one of my favorite things is when white people misuse the term "Snowflake," especially to insult one another. They always are so proud of themselves. It's adorable!)
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Actual medical footage of my brain function. |
I don't understand the madness and don't think I should have to ('quit being so entitled, Brit'). Why are we like this ('who asked you, Brit')? I blame Facebook and the enabling of comments ('then just stop reading the comments, Brit').
Either way, I salute those who keep pushing forward; those who stay the course of who they are, what they believe in, and shut the fuck about it until they are surrounded by their fellow Klan members. Surely, those people still have some semblance of love in their hearts and respect for other human beings by staying mad way down, deep down, where no one can ever see their rambling, angsty blog...
It's 2017 and a homophobic racist, a transgender Arab, and a blonde can surely walk into a bar and agree that the Kardashians need to be exiled from Earth, can't they?
Moral of the story: CHILL THE FUCK OUT, YA'LL. Keep it friendly. Don't AT me.