Monday, April 4, 2011

The reality of today's youth... R3AL RAP!

They are a growing epidemic among the American public. They have infected your everyday life but you may not notice them right away. They seem normal at first glance at your local mall, Starbucks, and/or movie theater. It is even said that within the next few years, they will have replaced Hipsters in terms overall wastes of space. That's right, they are the average teenager. They may seem innocent, but take a second look and you might lose a small bit of yourself... specifically your lunch and soul.

I started my sociological study after countless hours of wishing an aneurysm upon myself after listening to my fourteen-year-old sister's asinine phone conversations. Sure, if I am bored at work or my boyfriend and I want a hardy laugh then we will scour her Facebook page for the drama that only high school freshman can provide but this was the kicker. And I quote, "I wonder if there was a tsunami here.... like, would my mom keep paying my cell phone bill?"

I felt my lip twitch and took the cigar slowly out of my mouth. The camera zoomed in on my face as I slowly uttered in helpless and disgusted astonishment, "Oh my God."

I weep. I weep specifically the future of my sanity. These kids are damn crazy! Forget the fact that yes, I was a boy-band-loving, jean-and-hoodie-wearing, reckless-driving, drunk-on-colleges-I-didn't-even-apply-to-tours-teenager a mere five years ago. This is different. Times have changed and the world has gone crazy... er.

Young boys wear jeans as tight as Barbara Bush's smile . Teen moms are getting paid to punch their fat boyfriends in face on television and not watch their kid. And my sister? Well she is on the path of the most absurd. Here are a few clips from her and her friends' Facebook pages:

  • Yus were tryna get mhe to say sumfin dum but ik it was yus the whole tym Dats y I was lyk ik who it is bcc they txted the same way yus do
  • I'm his girl to the fullest♥ If he's shootin up the place, I'm bringing the bullets (;
Now correct me if I am wrong, bt ah thnik iht be takin WAY mo' effort to tlk lyk dis, yo, REAL RAPP. It also takes a lot more effort to even read that so I thank you for the 2,500 brain cells you just wasted. I also hope this is the point in this post where everyone is now up in arms about all the huge budget cuts in education but I don't have the energy it takes to talk about that bullshit right now.

Last night, my sister searched for her iPod touch among the piles of trash in her room for two hours all the while on the phone with one or five of her friends whining, "This cannot be happening to me right now..." No, no it most definitely is. What cannot be happening right now is the population of a million kids just like her thriving as dumbasses who will go on reality shows like "Pimp Mah Spaceship" or "Super Sweet 16 and Pregnant Pact."

So this is what I am really trying to say: Kids- stop fucking up the English language and listening to Nicki Minaj, or whatever that bitch's name is. Schools- stop giving a million and one conflicting "measuring" tests and actually teach. Not in "blocks" and not periodically. Teach them until they sound like Stephen fucking Hawking, computer voice and all. Parents- care more, DICKS! And to the older siblings who never remembered acting that way so long ago, or such a dismal present- stay strong because I imagine Justin Bieber has a younger brother who is just going to piss him off one day... wait, I'm sorry that just made me happy.  
Other than that,  I mean, I'm lyk speechless. And that is REAL RAP, yo. Real rap, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. There were way too many great points made in this blog, nothing could be added BP! awesome. I feel lucky that my little sister made it out of that awkward teenage generation going on right now. But there are just so many more older siblings such as ourselves that are enduring this "real rap concept" pandemic across the states! haha
